Shipping Crane Table

Shipping Crane Table
Because I live in Dogpatch, there are several shipping cranes within sight at Pier 70, the site of Union Iron Works. In honor of a couple of the more famous ones at what will become Crane Cove Park, I wanted to make a side table inspired by them.

Original steel pieces

Initial frame pieces
After cutting the corner beams at the right angles, I welded the square surface and the legs to the table.

Table after initial welds
I later replaced the surface steel sheet with metal grating to give it more of an industrial, worn look.

Near-complete welded table

Rusting setup on my balcony table
With Chewie as my special assistant.

Table after rusting solution was applied.
As with the Union Ironworks sign, I used this rusting solution Instructable.

Very important lesson: no matter how much you dilute rusting solution with water, do. not. pour. it. down. the. drain.
Shown here is my garbage disposal with a brand new hole.

Final crane table, holding a jellyfish tank.