Shipping Crane Table

Shipping Crane Table

Shipping Crane Table

Shipping Crane Table

Because I live in Dogpatch, there are several shipping cranes within sight at Pier 70, the site of Union Iron Works. In honor of a couple of the more famous ones at what will become Crane Cove Park, I wanted to make a side table inspired by them.

Original steel pieces

Original steel pieces

Initial frame pieces

Initial frame pieces

After cutting the corner beams at the right angles, I welded the square surface and the legs to the table.

Table after initial welds

Table after initial welds

I later replaced the surface steel sheet with metal grating to give it more of an industrial, worn look.

Near-complete welded table

Near-complete welded table

Rusting setup on my balcony table

Rusting setup on my balcony table

With Chewie as my special assistant.

Table after rusting solution was applied.

Table after rusting solution was applied.

As with the Union Ironworks sign, I used this rusting solution Instructable.

 Very important lesson: no matter how much you dilute rusting solution with water, do. not. pour. it. down. the. drain.  Shown here is my garbage disposal with a brand new hole.

Very important lesson: no matter how much you dilute rusting solution with water, do. not. pour. it. down. the. drain.

Shown here is my garbage disposal with a brand new hole.

 Final crane table, holding a jellyfish tank.

Final crane table, holding a jellyfish tank.