
After moving to my new apartment, I wanted to build a set of bookshelves to match my desk, which became very critical as my apartment came with essentially no storage. Accordingly, I used African Mahogany and metal pipes that I painted black.

Super scientific initial rendering on my desk whiteboard

Original bookshelf
At my previous apartment, I’d designed two matching sets of bookshelves that were meant to echo the curve of the unit. These were made using a CNC machine at Techshop, and a fair amount of filing to make all the parts fit well. The end products did not match my new place, so I wanted to start fresh.

Early pipe structure
After getting the right size pipes, I painted them to match my desk.

Initial bookshelves with premade wood.
Because I needed shelves urgently, I used inexpensive premade Rubbermaid shelves from Home Depot to start.

African mahogany wood, pre-cutting.

New shelves
Shown here are mahogany shelves after joining the boards, drilling holes, and sanding and finishing them.

Assembling the new shelves
I had to modify the piping to accommodate the slightly deeper new shelves. This ultimately created a more stable and useful structure. Note the two T-joins at the top of the structure; these provide additional support to the shelves in the middle.

Boards drying inside
I learned the hard way not to leave boards out in the rain; sadly another set I’d worked on warped in all kinds of unpleasant ways.

Finalized shelves!
Pictured here as well is a festive American Lion skull.