iMac Aquarium

iMac Aquarium

iMac Aquarium

iMac Aquarium

On a trip to Goodwill to get rid of stuff, I saw a 1st-gen iMac aquarium tucked in a corner, and knew immediately I’d be coming back with more than what I gave away. A few years back I’d seen a kit available from Jake Harms (link), and had only been missing the iMac component.

 iMacs were much, much larger than their laptop heirs.

iMacs were much, much larger than their laptop heirs.

Innards of an iMac

Innards of an iMac

There was just so much stuff inside the iMac to pry out. I reused some of it as decor for the space between the tank and the iMac shell.

iMac after adding light and the tank

iMac after adding light and the tank
